Panama Shipping Registrar INC (PSR) is an International Recognized Organization and Recognized Security Organization authorized under the Panama Flag according to the following documents:
- Official agreement for delegation of survey and issuance of certificates for vessel under Panama Flag signed between Panama Maritime Authority and Panama Shipping Registrar Inc. on 4 December 2008 (Appendix 1 and Appendix 2)
- Resolution 106-OR-03-DGMM of 22 March 2010
- Resolution 106-OR-12-DGMM of 02 September 2010
- Resolution No. 106-OR-16-DGMM of 06 September 2012
- Resolution No. 106-OPR-09-DGMM of 16 November 2012
- Resolution No. 106-OR-09-DGMM of 24 May 2013
- Resolution No. DGGM-CFM-027 of 25 de June 2015